Rebounding the Basketball

Basketball rebounding is an exercise in position play. A good rebounder knows where a ball is going to be after it is shot and knows how to box out his opponent sto gain the best advantage in securing the rebound. 

Know Where the Ball Will Be

There's a science to rebounding and the top rebounders know it. When a basketball is shot and missed it is going to come off of the rim or backboard. The angle the basketball is shot has a lot to do with where the ball is going. It's a percentage game. 

Post players should look at the court around the key as thirds of a pie radiating from the center of the rim. Perimeter players should see the court outside the key in quarters with the center at the rim. With each shot, one of the sections is more likely to have the ball drop into it after the shot. 

For example, if the ball is shot from the free throw line, the odds are great that the ball is coming straight back to the center third (from the perspective of a post player) as opposed to shanking off to one side or the other. 

Box Out the Opponent

An opponent should have no chance to get to the ball regardless of where it drops. However, during game play many factors are at hand. The key is to ALWAYS think to rebound when the ball is shot.

The best rebounders are box out experts. Boxing out is putting your body between you opponent and the rim as the ball is coming off. The farther out the box out occurs, the more likely to secure the ball. 

These steps should occur immediately when the ball is shot:

  1. Find an opponent to box out
  2. Squat into the opponent with your hips and butt creating space and legally throwing the opponent off balance
  3. Hold hands and arms up creating more space and improving reflex for when the ball makes contact with the rim or backboard. 
  4. With backside, hold the opponent back until the ball is secured

Excellent Rebounding Drill

Rebounding instincts can take time to develop. The best rebounders spend considerable time practicing so the activity becomes automatic.

  1. A coach or player sets in a location on the court prepared to shoot the ball
  2. 3 offensive players and 3 defensive players set up in a natural location around or in the key
  3. Defense must set up in position as if they were guarding the ball during regular play
  4. Shooter shoots the ball
  5. Defense must box out and secure ball before offense secures it
  6. Reward or discipline losers on best of 5 series
  7. Rotate

Successful rebounding can limit opponent shots significantly decreasing their opportunities to score. The team who owns the boards often wins the game.



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